This publication is hoping to give a little bit of help to determine what type of container used load our cargo.
Depending on the size, container consists of a 20-foot container, 40ft, 40HC feet and 45 feet while depending on the type of charge known as dry goods, reefer, as well as special containers. Here is an explanation of the types and sizes of containers of international standard list of equipment on the flight, which often we use to send our cargo. But keep in mind that the size of the container can be modified in each series of container, although not too significant.

- 20 'with a payload (which may include) to 28.3 metric tonnes.
But keep in mind that the standards are allowed to manage the port is not the same in every - each country.
For Indonesia, the average for international shipments are permitted only up to a maximum 20ton,
so too in most areas of Asia. While in Chile, and many Central American countries that the maximum 18ton.
- 40 '- either the standard 8'6 "and and 9'6" high cube - with a payload up to 30.4 metric tons.
the allowable weight limit is usually up to 27-28 tonnes.
If in the territory of the United States instead only 25ton.
- 45 '- size 9'6 "high cube - with a total capacity of 86 cubic meters.